Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Because it's a holy God that you're up against.

nothing against him
I read this blog post a few days ago at
Ian lives with a brain injury. Larissa is his wife.
Their marriage is a beautiful picture of Christ and the church.
This post specifically has been such a blessing to me the past few days.
I just don't want to forget what he said.
Our sin is first and foremost against a Holy God. such a good reminder.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


A very long journey. A very big belly. A dark night. A whole lot of pain. I try to think back to Mary. I've been studying Luke, and almost everyday I go back to Luke 1:38 where Mary says, “Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word" when she first heard that she was with child,  and I pray that my response to the Lord everyday would be those words. How beautifully the Lord gave us His Son who came to serve and to save. Thankful is what I am today. Thankful that every sin that I have ever committed/will commit has been taken away by this little baby. I can't wrap my mind around it. God, in the form of an infant. But, this year has been so different as I reflect on that night when my Savior was born. How God saw that this was absolutely the best way for Him to receive the very most glory. The virgin birth. The star. The angels. The shepherds. From this day, so many years ago, until his death on a cross, He will live a absolutely perfect unfathomable "task." I praise the Lord for this perfect propitiation. I am thankful this was never "plan B." The Lord is good and full of mercy. His grace abounds. The KING is born! May He send His Son again soon! Glory to God in the highest.

Therefore he had to be made like his brothers in every respect, so that he might become a merciful and faithful high priest in the service of God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. Hebrews 2:17

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

SovHope Fall Family Bonfire (1st Annual)

I love that everything we do at Sovhope we name "1st annual"...starting now things will start being 2nd annuals! wowzers. This event was the same as all the others. We were all freezing. I was impressed by the commitment of everyone to risk pneumonia for fellowship. :) 
It was a fabulous night, and btw, I never heard of any sicknesses that immediately followed :)
 I love these 6. I walked around saying "group and smile" and these folks did just that! :)
 I am convinced that men have absolutely no idea how to take a picture together!
 Jen and her caramel for the kids! They loved making caramel apples!
 The guys love this game. I usually try to join in like I am coordinated enough...
 Court was cold. So I made her into a marshmallow. 
I didn't crop out Jesse on purpose. look at that frisbee form! 
 three more men...all spaced out and such. 
 just boomoo. 
 The Moore Fam! Is this family cute or what!? 
 Children of the field.
 Fire control! Mr. Thom manned this fire all night. Smoky the bear would have been so proud!
 The ladies enjoyed the "group and smile" moment! 
Tiff said it looks like she has to tee-tee. It kinda does. :) 
 Corn hole! 
 Andrea and Logan. His facial expressions
And I saved the cutest little AJ in town for last! This boy and his mama bear are so sweet. 

I love my church! 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Salisbury Jesus and an old post from Elliott Grey

After school today, I went over to the McCloud house. I love the time I get to spend with this sweet family. I'm trying to start a tradition of  random cooking lessons with Jen. It usually gives lots of laughs, and we all know, I enjoy a good laugh. We made salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, and cabbage. It all turned out delicious, but it was quite an elaborate dinner to prepare. Jen's steaks almost fell apart; I (sorta) broke the awesome lid to the mashed potato pot; I threw an onion on the ground while stirring. It was comical. Funny thing is, she was "teaching" me how to make this dish and had never actually made it herself. While waiting for this dinner to magically turn into something you would see on television, we talked about studying the Word. It was such an encouraging time. I kept saying, "thank you for saying that" or "that's encouraging to hear"...which she would reply with, "i don't know what i said, but i'm glad it helped!" I am so thankful for her and our long drawn out cooking time. I'm thankful for the Spirit, how he lives inside of us. Thankful for the lady that taught me how to make salisbury steak and read the bible with joy...maybe not at the same time, though.  

Another story from tonight, just so I can read this again one day and hopefully laugh at myself like I did tonight. I put mashed potatoes and cabbage on my plate. Then, I put cabbage on someone else's plate, AND on my plate again. Once I sat my plate down and realized what I had done, I couldn't stop from laughing. They probably think I am a crazy person. Just call me cabbage girl. (I returned one pile of cabbage back to the pot, and traded it for that yummy salisbury steak we worked so hard on.)
Another story....I told Maggie the reason that the mashed potatoes were so good was because of how well she washed them. She totally believed me. She's so fun. 
Another story... Jack gave me a hug tonight. THIS IS SUCH WONDERFUL NEWS!!!

I like the way Courtlynd writes. 
She doesn't do it very much though, so don't get too excited.
 I went back and read this post from her again tonight.
 It still convicts and encourages me. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hold Fast. He is Faithful.

12 We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord and admonish you,
13 and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work. Be at peace among yourselves.
14 And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.
15 See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone.
16 Rejoice always,
17 pray without ceasing,
18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
19 Do not quench the Spirit.
20 Do not despise prophecies,
21 but test everything; hold fast what is good.
22 Abstain from every form of evil.
23 Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
24 He who calls you is faithful; he will surely do it.

1 Thessalonians 5

Sunday, September 23, 2012


There's an app for that!

In other news, court is spending the night. She went to bed first. When I was ready to go to bed, she was in the middle, so I tapped her and asked her to scoot over. She replied, "scoot where?" So I explained to scoot to her side, that she was in the middle. She said, "it's cause your pillows are so big!" And then she rolled to her side, and continued sleeping. It was funny

Good night.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Desire to GO.

For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? 
And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? 
And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 
And how are they to preach unless they are sent? 
As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”
(Romans 10:13-15 ESV)

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, 
baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 
teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. 
And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”        
(Matthew 28:18-20 ESV)

"I've sat by far too long, and I've watched the hurting suffer on their own. I have chances live like You, die to myself; Give Your love away.
               And I wonder why, I feel so empty inside. While I sing la la la la la la la la la
               As the hungry roam the streets, La la la la la la la la la
               As the broken are on their knees, La la la la la la la la la
               I keep singing
We are frozen, we are still, But we're called to be a city on a hill
And as our melodies resound, We cannot hear the silent cry this world is screaming out
               Remember salvation's day. When Jesus washed our sins away. 
The lost are crying out to be saved

We keep singing. But just a song won't heal, The bleeding wound
Church wake up, We're sleeping in an empty tomb
               Church arise! arise and shine! Shake yourself from the dust, God is calling us to go!"

(Leeland: While We Sing)

“Have you no wish for others to be saved? 
Then you're not saved yourself, be sure of that!” 

Last year, while at Snowbird, Brody talked in staff church about some of our personal desires to go on the "mission field," internationally. He talked about how some of us had no desire to leave the US. He talked about how some of us had a healthy perspective of waiting to go, seeing where the Lord led. And then, he talked about the rest of us. The ones that he compared to a dog on a leash struggling with every ounce of strength to run free. In this case, he was the one holding us back...teaching us more, and making sure we were ready, prepared. We laughed, and I could easily think of 10 people in the room that were the ones who were like a wild dog...a few of them/most of them being my closest friends. I don't know why that's one of the analogies I remember. Maybe because it's when I truly realized that I'm not ready yet...that I still have things to learn. But, it made me want to be one of those wild dogs. I have (have had for five years now) a desire to go and spread the name of Jesus to the nations that do not know him. 

Last night, I was reading in the Gospel according to Luke. I have been in this good book for months. In chapter eight, he talks about a man that was possessed with demons. Jesus came upon this man, and sent the demons into some nearby pigs. The man pleaded with Jesus to come with Him, join His ministry, and follow Him wherever He went. Jesus said no. He told him to go home, and tell his people all that God had done for him. It convicted me. It convicted me deeply. How often do I not tell people all that God has done for me? How often do I keep quiet about his ever so frequent mercies and grace in my life. I pray that I would not be quiet here. I pray that I would speak of all of God's goodness wherever I am. And I pray that wherever God sends me, that this would be the message that I would speak.

It's funny getting ready to graduate from college...the possibility of leaving the nest! 
I have such a desire... a desire to go to SENOIA. 
To go where my church family is, and live life there with the locals. I am so thankful for this desire. I am so thankful for this body of Christ that encourages me so much. We are currently praying for a building. Praying that God would give us what He desires for us to have. I am so thankful for a body that leans of the Holy Spirit for every bit of blessing. I am thankful for where I am headed now...knowing that this church will support wherever the Lord sends me next.

So for now, while I have this desire to speak the name of Christ to the people who have never even heard His unfathomable statement that I can't believe is even true...I commit to speak His name, here. To speak of His glory, here. To speak of His mercies, here. To teach good doctrine, here. To know good doctrine, here. To pray, here. To be dependent upon the Holy Spirit, here. To pray for missionaries, here. To LOVE, here. So that I may do the same, there (whether that be Senoia, Newnan, Uganda, the horn of Africa, or the little country that is making my heart flutter right now). Because everywhere, every single person on every single continent needs Jesus most. They need Him more than food. They need Him more than shoes. They need Him more than happiness, wealth, or family. Making most of Jesus means making most of life.

May my perspective be healthy and my obedience be great. 

Praise the LORD!
Praise the LORD from the heavens;
praise him in the heights!
Praise him, all his angels;
praise him, all his hosts!
Praise him, sun and moon,
praise him, all you shining stars!
Praise him, you highest heavens,
and you waters above the heavens!
Let them praise the name of the LORD!
For he commanded and they were created.
And he established them forever and ever;
he gave a decree, and it shall not pass away.
Praise the LORD from the earth,
you great sea creatures and all deeps,
fire and hail, snow and mist,
stormy wind fulfilling his word!
Mountains and all hills,
fruit trees and all cedars!
Beasts and all livestock,
creeping things and flying birds!
Kings of the earth and all peoples,
princes and all rulers of the earth!
Young men and maidens together,
old men and children!
Let them praise the name of the LORD,
for his name alone is exalted;
his majesty is above earth and heaven.
He has raised up a horn for his people,
praise for all his saints,
for the people of Israel who are near to him.
Praise the LORD!
(Psalm 148 ESV)

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

it's Tuesday.

hello blog, just a few thoughts for you today...

-I'm encouraged by my friends. Thankful for them...for the way the serve me, teach me, and give me laughs. For the ones that are girls and the ones that are boys. For the SovHopies, SWiends, and ones that came from yonder elsewhere. 

-JESUS is worth every single bit of "persecution" that Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A may be facing because of his stand against gay marriage. 

-It is my very first time ever watching the Olympics. I'm loving certain sports. Of course, volleyball. But also, swimming and gymnastics. It's been neat to watch! 

-I'm hanging out with Jen McCloud and Michele Hendrix this week. WAHOO! 

-Moses chews his bone while laying on his back. #talent

-The only {convenient} thing to eat between here and Barnesville for breakfast is McDonalds. yum, right? eh. but, when i ask for mustard for my biscuit, i get SUCH weird looks. You would think they would be at least used to me AND Courtlynd by now. 

-Earlier, my mom said "My clicker is almost wore out, can you get me a new one?" to my dad. She was talking about her car clicker thing that unlocks the door. I heard her say "liver" instead of "clicker"...I was a little concerned for a few seconds. 

-I laugh a lot when I am watching swimming on the olympics just thinking about how RIDICULOUS i would look out there racing besides those guys. ha! it would be comical. 

-I practiced for the crazy 3rd semester check-off today. It went better than expected. woot!

-I've been missing my red hair, lately.

that's all for now, folks. 


Saturday, July 28, 2012

just because.

It's been a busy summer, and it is two weeks away from the close. A couple posts down, I said that I had two posts "coming soon"...i originally meant sometime this summer. Those posts are still at work in my heart, but i am excited to say they are still "coming soon."

I stayed home this summer. I figured it would be a bit slower paced...I decided against SWO and summer biology. It was a very small tad bit slower, mostly just different.

I had the honor of spending time with a 9-month-old and 2.5-year-old every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for about 10 hours a day. It was fun and exhausting. It was a challenge and a joy all at the same time. It was a look at motherhood, and it makes me thankful. I used "1...2...3..." for the first time, and "because I said so" a couple of times as well. Lilli and Nolan's parents are Christians, which is a blessing. I'm thankful for the different things that God lets us experience. I remember posting a facebook status one day about these different things. It said something like, "Last year around this time, I was 'jumping in the house' with 100s of teenagers, today, I spent 30 minutes dancing to toddler radio on pandora with an almost 3-year-old." Different, but good days. Full of sanctification and teaching teaching He is the reason we live. I loved Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.

On a few Thursdays, I spent time with Aubrey and Dillon. Aubrey is seven. She was my very first babysitting job when she was an infant and will always have a piece of my heart. Watching this little lady grow up has been so special. I hate that our lives have parted a little, but i look forward to seeing her turn eight next month, and watching her grow even more. and Dillon...he's a hoot. (i don't ever use the term "hoot"). He's just the funniest little boy i know. love them!

I spent two weekends at Snowbird. One with Maggie...who now LOVES Snowbird. check! and one with Lauren, Adam, and AJ. They were fun trips. I spent a few nights with former staff when I was there with Maggie. It was so fun to see their excitement and love for summer 2012. I loved hearing what was different about this year, the ups, the downs, and funny stories. Many of them are now in "leadership" positions which is really neat to see. It feels like home when I am at SWO, and it really is a time of rest. I get pretty open and honest while I am there. It's a similar feeling to when I am with my church family. I just like it a lot, even though it is hard to explain.  The second trip was two weeks later with the Vinson's. It was a really fun time with Lauren. It was great to love SWO together. I sometimes wish we got to experience being on staff together. It was fun to hang out with little AJ and watch everyone ooo and ahhh over him. I hung out with Maiah and the gang the last night. I just love her. My friends, Cody and Kelly, were there as well working for a week. Last summer, Cody told me, during week 5, that he was struggling with feelings for Kelly (it was such a random conversation during SWOMP). He was fighting it at the time, and trying to avoid her at all costs. He gave up the struggle at the end of the summer, and they are now dating. :) They are just precious and I love the two of them dearly! I got to talk with them together and separately, and I was so encouraged by our talks. I still love SWO and missed working there this summer. Do i regret deciding not to this summer?, no.

Discipleship with Juli took an unexpected turn this summer. We are still meeting randomly, and will continue to for the next couple months hopefully. We finished, "girls gone wise in a world gone wild." We didn't start anything else though. She is looking for a church around Pike County with her boyfriend, and we are praying that a married woman in her new church will start discipling her shortly after they join. I'm looking forward to hearing how the hunt has been going. :) She makes me smile, and I am praying that the Lord will continue teaching her.

I'm very much looking forward to the routine that school gives me each semester. My time with the Lord changes each time my schedule does, and I am SO THANKFUL for how this semester is laid out. I'll have extra time in the morning like my school schedule normally doesn't give me. I'm praying that I embrace every moment of this semester. I have one last year with this group of people. Praying that I don't let these people pass me by without showing them Jesus. I plan to continue my study in Luke, and start Christian Beliefs by Grudem. Praying for what discipleship is going to look like this next year :) I would love to start meeting with another woman....maybe i'm finally done mourning Trish's absence. haha. Mostly, I am just thankful for a church that is centered around discipleship.

Last weekend, I had the pleasure of standing beside Kaitlin while she said "I DO" to Tim. It was a FUN week/weekend, and a BEAUTIFUL wedding...i'm hoping there will be a post about it one day :)

For now, I will go unpack from 3 weeks of being away from home. It feels good to settle down again, and sleep in my own bed.

Until next time,

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

GOSPEL: a book review

My goal for the year was to read one book a month. At this point, my goal is to just read 12 books...

Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary is definitely in my top five favorite books of all time...maybe even top three! I have thoroughly enjoyed this book...I even read the first seven chapters twice, because I took a long break after chapter seven and wanted to just start over. It opened my eyes more to the beauty and truth of the gospel. We can ALWAYS go deeper in the gospel. I don't plan to tell you all about the book, because I want you to just read it for yourself. But, I can tell you, that I have finished this book more sanctified. So, I'll share a little about what I've learned. I praise the Lord for using J.D. Greear to write this book.

Also, I laughed SO stinking much during this book. I love a book that is full of truth, scripture, and also humor. Man, he was so funny. Most of the funny parts were about his life...he was truly REAL in this book...which I really appreciate. 

J.D. Greear is the pastor of The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. I have some friends that attend this church, actually. He lived in Southeast Asia for two years. He's married with four children. ...and he's a funny guy from what I can tell. 

The book walks you through this prayer:

"In Christ, there is nothing I can do 
that would made You love me more, and nothing 
I have done that makes You love me less."
"Your presence and approval are all 
I need for everlasting joy."

"As You have been to me, so I will be to others."
"As I pray, I'll measure Your compassion by the cross 
and Your power by the resurrection."

This prayer will become a part of my everyday. Even before I purchased the book, I would have agreed that this is a good prayer, but now I have read it broken down. I have been convicted of areas in my life that I do not truly believe in these words. I never would have told you that I think I owe Jesus. I never would have told you that I try to please Him. I never would have told you that my prayer life needed a little more belief in the power of God, or that my desire for God is too small...and that's why I tempted by sin. 

I pray now that I would fall more and more in love with Jesus, because of the Gospel...because it is the ONLY thing that can produce a LOVE for God in me. I pray that I am obedient to the scriptures (this includes reading them even when I don't feel like it), so that I can see my sinful desires put to death. I pray that I am generous with my time. I pray that in EVERY single relationship that I have, I see myself, first, as sinner, and second, sinned against. 

"God changed us by pouring out undeserved kindness on us....You destroy the evil in someone by showing them extravagant grace." relationships with people have already changed because of this statement. 

I encourage you to pick up this book if you have some extra time. I read it at night before bed. It's an easy read, but full of goodness!

Here is the Amazon Link to take a look at the book/purchase it.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Coming Soon

a desire to GO
(Romans 10:13-15)
hating my flesh
(Romans 7:18 and 13:14)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

old notes.

Court and I have been friends since 6th grade. Our parents kinda made us be friends, but I'm glad they did! I was the new girl, and it was good to have a girl with a weird name befriend me. From then on out, we wrote notes to each other almost everyday. We saved a TON of them. I have all of mine in a binder, divided by grade as best as possible.....maybe i'm a little OCD. I think Court has hers in a box or bag. Needless to say, they are HILARIOUS to look over. We were such dumbies. Here is one I found today...this one is from middle school, I'm sure, but i'm not sure what grade. 

It was a sweet note from Court...started off with some things about how she was glad that we were friends, and then it ended with this: 

"I know we don't have much in common, like you don't have an interest in guys like i do, and i don't enjoy sports like you do, but hey! who said two uncommonies can't be the best of friends? i dunno!"

HAHAHAHA! i about peed myself. She'll kill me for posting this here if she ends up reading it, but i just think it is SO funny! Praise the LORD that we grew up. 

:) jboo

Monday, February 13, 2012


On February 2nd, I said that my summer would probably not be spent at Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters. I said that I was 99% sure...that percentage may have been off a litte, or that 1% maybe be happening. 

What I failed to remember was what goes on in camp ministry, my love for camp ministry, the overwhelming joy and responsibility that is given to you from the Lord when you see those buses pull up for the first time, the challenges that are faced when your girls "just aren't getting it" and you have to be creative, steadfast, and diligent when you want to give up on them, the girls that come and are changed forever by the gospel, the precious time in the word spent with students, the look on their faces when they have an "aha!" moment, the love of the full time staff that continually pour pour pour into us as we pour into the students that God has SENT us, and all of the ways that I was strengthened, grown, used, challenged, tested, and filled with joy and purpose while serving in camp ministry. GREAT things are happening here, but i will continue to pray for the Lord's will for Summer 2012. I will pray for my priorities to be aligned. NOT that staying or going is a "better" idea, but which one would the Lord have me to be a part of. Either way, God will be glorified. I'm thankful for either decision He leads me to, for I know that will be His good and perfect plan.

These are the things that I'm praying. I will make a list here, if you would like to join me prayer. I ask for your prayers as I need to make a decision within the next two weeks. I pray for clarity for myself. I pray that I would make this decision through time in God's word and prayer, and that even though my decision needs to be made soon, that it would not be hasty. Pray for me about things that will HAVE to be figured out if/before I go (discipleship with Juli - big deal). I pray that I would not make school, any degree, or pride in my status an idol in my life, that if the Lord wants me to pursue school, that I will with joy, and if He doesn't, I won't worry about the classes that I have left to take. I pray that I will not return to SWO for any selfish gain, that i would go to be a servant to our Father on High and to all of the people there. I pray that I serve my local church well, either here or there. I pray for the full-time staff who are currently going through applications. I pray that men and women of God are chosen with confidence for the work at SWO this summer. I pray that I serve the Lord well this summer, and that when this decision is made, I will not just look forward to the future of the summer, but that I would be diligent even now in my classes and the responsibilities that God has given me this semester with a thankful heart that the Lord guides and directs our every step when we ask that our lives be aligned with His will. 


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Ramblings of February 2nd.

Summer 2012.
It's so far away. I have three options I have been praying over. 

1. Snowbird. 
  • I had pretty much decided that I would not be going this summer. I didn't want to say it, but I have a lot of good things going on here, that could continue this summer. Recently, we were told that not very many returning staff applications were turned in yet. (they are due this month). Which just makes me want to go back for some reason. I LOVED the community during the summer. I loved how fast relationships happened there. It was 3 weeks into camp, and I already knew that I had made some lifelong friends. It was good to be there for that reason. But, I know I also need to pursue relationships like that here. So really, I'm 99% sure I'm not going to randomly decide to apply again....but i do love that place. 
2. Biology class (for my bachelors)
  • Gordon has a separate associates and bachelors program. Lord willing, in 2013, I will graduate with my associates, and then I will start a bachelors program shortly after, that lasts a year long. More than likely, I will not be doing the bachelors program at Gordon...probably somewhere else. But, the core classes are mostly the same for every school. So, it would be convenient if I would complete the first part of my Biology sequence in June. This is something that is very big possibility of happening. 
3. Doula Training. 
  • This is something I've been interested in for years....just never really had the guts to pursue it and didn't really know how. I've recently been researching it more. No matter who I go through to get certified, I would either participate in some sort of class. The two I've looked at have a 3 week class or 1 weekend workshop. This would take place in June, instead of the biology class. I've thought about contacting the doula organizations and asking more questions about the possibility of completing the requirements during nursing school. I'll have to observe a certain amount of births and act as doula for a few to get recommendations....something like that anyway. I really think this is something that I would truly enjoy. But even then, when I am a nurse, will I be able to work as a doula as well? I just think it would be good training to have, and something that i would really enjoy learning about. 

So, those are the options. I look forward to July. That month will probably hold a SovHope trip to SWO, and it will definitely hold Kaitlin and Tim's wedding! So happy to be her Maid of Honor. It's definitely going to be a WONDERFUL weekend! So excited about what God is doing in them. 

I've been a little bit lonely this semester of nursing school. I miss doing it all with Courtlynd and all the other people in the class that I got close to. I've been a little discouraged. But, I am confident that the Lord has me in this class for His glory. I have made a few friends, and hope to make some more. It's a big class, so I hope to maybe just get to talking to some people that are in my seminar class (about 30 people in this class).

I've been so encouraged, though, by God's answers to my prayers for Court. The first week of school there is a huge checkoff for third semester. The checkoffs are terrifying. {especially for Court}  So, i prayed and i prayed and i prayed for God to give her confidence. specifically confidence. She came out of the check off SO excited. She gave me a thumbs up, so i knew she passed it. Then, she continued to tell me that she rocked it. She said she knew all the answers, she wasn't that nervous,  and everything was a breeze. The instructor told her that she could tell she had been practicing and that she was the best of the day....only one person had gone before her, but hey! she was the best so far. haha. So, things are going well. I'm so so very proud of her. So far, she's been a pro at everything. I'm thankful to serve a God who hears my requests and is a good God. 

I'm praying that things with Juli pick back up soon. We haven't really been able to figure out our schedules yet, but at this point, we're just going to put it at a higher priority to find the time. She's currently changing jobs, so i'm praying that the Lord will show her exactly what is next. 

Really been missing Trish Cobb lately. Missing the love and joy that she showered me with. Praying for them as they travel to INDIA next week to visit family. SO awesome. 

I've been pretty excited about having a more relaxed schedule this semester. I've been able to start going to zumba as much as possible! This week, I will get to go all 5 times the class is offered. LOVING it. I'm NOT a runner and I really don't enjoy working out alone, so being able to do something like this to get healthy has been really great! Hoping that 2012 is a healthy year!

I'm excited to look back over this post in July and see how the Lord worked and grew me between now and then. For now, I must go study hard!! :)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Thanksgiving Post

It was time. Thanksgiving 2011 was the year for the youngest grandchild to learn to make Grandma's famous turkey dressing. Early Thanksgiving morning (okay, okay, it was like 10am), I headed to Grandma's house. I took along one of Granny's aprons for extra luck.
 I felt legit: confidence is key.
My Grandma thought I was ridiculous for photographing the process. :)
So here we are "How to make Grandma's dressing: 101!" 

First, you must take a picture in front of the stove. It's a must. 

Second step, pick out a bowl. Preferably, a pretty colored one like this. It just makes the whole experience more fun. 

Next, you stand in amazement at the size of your Grandma's flour bucket. I mean, really, who would EVER need this much flour. Grandma. that's who. 

Next, you start pouring in the flour. This is the part where it would have been helpful if I actually posted this in November, maybe I would have been able to remember the measurements. Nevertheless, it looks something like this. It's something like one part flour, one part corn meal. MAYBE, more corn meal than flour if there is more of one or the other. I'll be needing to get clarification on this step. 

 This is just a picture of inside the flour bowl. My grandma has had that duck sifter thingamajig for years. I like it. 

Then, you add 4 eggs. The recipe my grandma gave me said 2 eggs...maybe we were making a bigger batch than what the recipe book calls for. Not sure, but I LOVE eggs, so the more the merrier in my opinion. 

Next, BUTTERMILK! Now, there is not much that grosses me out more than buttermilk. For this step, Grandma said, "Pour until I say stop"...I think it was something like a cup. I think I also put a cup of water in there as well. 


Lastly, you'll need to add some cooking oil. Why? i don't know! Just do it. Something like...less than a cup. 

Stir and Smile!

Add Grandma in your photos. Here, she is displaying the Baking Spray. Butter Flavor! (Did i mention that the secret to thanksgiving is a TUB of BUTTER! The woman put it in everything.)

After you stir for years, you should get a "thick milkshake" consistency. Then, you pour the mixture into a pan, using your hand as a spoon to rake it all out of the bowl. DO NOT use a'll mess up the recipe. 

Place the cornbread in the oven with the DELICIOUS Sweet Potato SoufflĂ©. 350 degrees. 

While the cornbread is baking, grab another BIG bowl. Preferably one from the 1800s that has had plenty of experience on Thanksgiving. 

YUM! it's ready.

SLICE for convenience. 

Put the cornbread in the bowl.

Add two cans of Cream of Chicken Soup. I think you could use cream of mushroom instead?? 
I wouldn't do it though!

Chicken/turkey juice from the bird that has been in the crock-pot all night. how much? i don't know! just follow the picture!

Next step, onions....that were diced by your mother, because you surely do not know how to appropriately dice an onion yet. 

Mix with an electric mixer. Or, if you've got an hour and need to include your workout for the day, mix it with a spoon. Do i recommend it, NO. Once you've mixed, add sage. 

I know what you are thinking! How much sage?!? THIS MUCH. Tip: Never ask your grandma how much spice to put in ANYTHING. Grandma demonstrated for me. 

 Oops! Apparently I forgot some pictures. Mix the sage in, and pour the mixture into a glass dish (or two) and bake some more. It should come out looking like this! 

It turned out pretty good! I was tired, but it was worth it! :) hehe. 
I encourage that you make YOUR grandma's dressing this year! OR, you can try to follow these instructions and make MY grandma's dressing! I'd love to see that :)

Happy Turkey Day, in February.