hello blog, just a few thoughts for you today...
-I'm encouraged by my friends. Thankful for them...for the way the serve me, teach me, and give me laughs. For the ones that are girls and the ones that are boys. For the SovHopies, SWiends, and ones that came from yonder elsewhere.
-JESUS is worth every single bit of "persecution" that Dan Cathy and Chick-fil-A may be facing because of his stand against gay marriage.
-It is my very first time ever watching the Olympics. I'm loving certain sports. Of course, volleyball. But also, swimming and gymnastics. It's been neat to watch!
-I'm hanging out with Jen McCloud and Michele Hendrix this week. WAHOO!
-Moses chews his bone while laying on his back. #talent
-The only {convenient} thing to eat between here and Barnesville for breakfast is McDonalds. yum, right? eh. but, when i ask for mustard for my biscuit, i get SUCH weird looks. You would think they would be at least used to me AND Courtlynd by now.
-Earlier, my mom said "My clicker is almost wore out, can you get me a new one?" to my dad. She was talking about her car clicker thing that unlocks the door. I heard her say "liver" instead of "clicker"...I was a little concerned for a few seconds.
-I laugh a lot when I am watching swimming on the olympics just thinking about how RIDICULOUS i would look out there racing besides those guys. ha! it would be comical.
-I practiced for the crazy 3rd semester check-off today. It went better than expected. woot!
-I've been missing my red hair, lately.
that's all for now, folks.