Tuesday, May 8, 2012

GOSPEL: a book review

My goal for the year was to read one book a month. At this point, my goal is to just read 12 books...

Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary is definitely in my top five favorite books of all time...maybe even top three! I have thoroughly enjoyed this book...I even read the first seven chapters twice, because I took a long break after chapter seven and wanted to just start over. It opened my eyes more to the beauty and truth of the gospel. We can ALWAYS go deeper in the gospel. I don't plan to tell you all about the book, because I want you to just read it for yourself. But, I can tell you, that I have finished this book more sanctified. So, I'll share a little about what I've learned. I praise the Lord for using J.D. Greear to write this book.

Also, I laughed SO stinking much during this book. I love a book that is full of truth, scripture, and also humor. Man, he was so funny. Most of the funny parts were about his life...he was truly REAL in this book...which I really appreciate. 

J.D. Greear is the pastor of The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. I have some friends that attend this church, actually. He lived in Southeast Asia for two years. He's married with four children. ...and he's a funny guy from what I can tell. 

The book walks you through this prayer:

"In Christ, there is nothing I can do 
that would made You love me more, and nothing 
I have done that makes You love me less."
"Your presence and approval are all 
I need for everlasting joy."

"As You have been to me, so I will be to others."
"As I pray, I'll measure Your compassion by the cross 
and Your power by the resurrection."

This prayer will become a part of my everyday. Even before I purchased the book, I would have agreed that this is a good prayer, but now I have read it broken down. I have been convicted of areas in my life that I do not truly believe in these words. I never would have told you that I think I owe Jesus. I never would have told you that I try to please Him. I never would have told you that my prayer life needed a little more belief in the power of God, or that my desire for God is too small...and that's why I tempted by sin. 

I pray now that I would fall more and more in love with Jesus, because of the Gospel...because it is the ONLY thing that can produce a LOVE for God in me. I pray that I am obedient to the scriptures (this includes reading them even when I don't feel like it), so that I can see my sinful desires put to death. I pray that I am generous with my time. I pray that in EVERY single relationship that I have, I see myself, first, as sinner, and second, sinned against. 

"God changed us by pouring out undeserved kindness on us....You destroy the evil in someone by showing them extravagant grace."  ...my relationships with people have already changed because of this statement. 

I encourage you to pick up this book if you have some extra time. I read it at night before bed. It's an easy read, but full of goodness!

Here is the Amazon Link to take a look at the book/purchase it.
