Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Two things I hope to accomplish before I die.

These are small and insignificant, but they would make my life just a tad bit easier...maybe you'll agree. 

1.  Learn how to spell diarrhea and arrhythmia without having to use spell check, scratch/tilt my head, or awkwardly ask my neighbor. 

  • This may not be a problem for you....for the simple fact that you don't have to use these words often, much less spell them...but it is quite the task for me. I now write these words almost daily. They are just funny words to spell. 

2.  Learn the difference between affect and effect

  • I know what you are thinking....aren't you in college? But, these two words have always been so hard for me to understand. It is definitely one of those things I re-learn before papers...and then IMMEDIATELY forget. It just makes me a little sad to always have to figure out away to avoid these words. 
I'm a little bit of the grammar nut....but I still make mistakes. It bothers me when people mix up to, too, two, there, they're, and their. I, also, like things to be spelled correctly. Although, I promise to never judge you if you mess up any of the above words. I completely understand. 

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