Monday, March 14, 2011


This is a much needed, long awaited blog post. With nursing school and other things overtaking my life, I haven't been able to blog, much less get all of this out. So here we go, as i lay here with a sore jaw and chipmunk cheeks, I'll let you know what's been happening in my life. Thanks you, Mr. Dentist for ripping out my wisdom teeth and giving me the time to blog. :) NOW, for all of you that have asked me WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?...and...WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!

Warning: It's probably going to be random. Where to start...

Word Bank: 
-Adam and Lauren: Youth Pastor and wife of Main Event. 
-Courtlynd: best friend forever.
-Snowbird: christian camp that is, apparently, the most wonderful place on earth. 
-Todd and Jen: youth pastor and wife at Second.
-Tyson and Sarah: great people.
-Trish: discipler.

February 2010: I took a youth trip with my best friend forever and her youth group to Gatlinburg. I had nothing else to do and love those people, so I went. It was wonderful. Their youth group consists of college kids as well, so it was really nice to sit down with people my age and discuss such wonderful things. Adam taught on Eschatology (the study of the end times). Oh my, it challenged me, grew me, and made me have an unreal HOPE in HIS return!!! I instantly fell in love with that body of believers even more. This is when the "you should work at Snowbird" chants began. 

Summer 2010: I took Anatomy and Physiology in July. It was the worst month ever :) I began to talk to Todd and Jennifer about serving in the Second youth. I love youth girls. I ESPECIALLY love Second's girls. They are such beautiful young ladies and so willing to learn. Todd approached me about the opportunity of a girls ministry, something that i had already been praying i prayed some more! The only hang up was the potential of being accepted to nursing school...I really didn't think i was going to get accepted on my first application, it's just a tough program to get into. So we began to pray more and I announced it to the girls. back to this later. 

Summer 2010: Adam and Lauren & Tyson and Sarah announced to a core group at M.E. that they were being led to plant a church. I'm not sure what else happened here, because I was not there... Court was. So for months, I was begged and pleaded with to be a part of this church plant, from Court. We really are sisters. She's such a good'un! Adam's intentions were to never take anyone else from their church, because really, church swaps are just silly. and I had NO reason to leave Second. I LOVE second, i LOVE pastor david's preaching, and i LOVE the youth girls and mom's there. It is such a grounded church and wonderful body to be a part of. There was no good reason for me to leave my faith family. but i prayed. for a long time. 

October 2010: some pretty big changes were made. friends and such. ALLLL apart of God's sovereign plan. I praise Him for all of this. I mean, it wasn't just October, it had been happening. haha. But, God leads you different ways, you change, NO hard feelings, NOT easy, but Christ is sufficient and HE taught me more than ever in such a short period of time. (< I hope my english teacher never reads that sentence.) So I just prayed to be a Godly woman. I am pretty positive I wasn't a pro at that at times. 

So far in this whirlwind blog I'm praying about: Snowbird, Girls' Ministry, Church Plant, and for God to mold me into His perfect image as He changes a whole lot around me. 

Let's take a breather. Deep breaths....blink a few times...grab a swig of water...I'm turning into Michele Hendrix. :)

this is when i can no longer follow a timeline, because that would just be too difficult. 

k. ACCEPTED TO NURSING SCHOOL to start in January of 2011. Well, there we go, my biggest fear. (I mean, GREAT news.) BUT, when you are eager to start a girls' ministry at your church...bum.mer. So, I guess the biggest thing that I wonder about this,is "Why did this feel like such a grand idea??" but, God's sovereign. I instantly knew that this wasn't going to happen, now, at least. I knew that I couldn't put my heart and soul into it like it needed to be done and Todd and the girls desired. I knew that at that point, these girls needed to grow closer to their sunday school teachers and other youth leaders. and I'm happy with when i stepped down. I was growing really close to some girls and knew (was told) that i wasn't going to be able to keep that relationship during my first semester. It was more that I was told I was going to overwhelm myself. I didn't believe them...probably why i was so girls' ministry gungho in the beginning...but they were right. so right. I feel like i'm just chasing my tail, a lot. Nursing School is INTENSE. I often wonder what in the world was i thinking. 

So here i am, Snowbird, Church Plant, Amazing friends...that are my age. It was kinda a "God, you do this, and i'll do that" kind of prayer. AWFUL!!!...slap me on the wrist. I mean, what was i thinking. But, in his sovereignty, HE did the "this" so I did the "that." 

*I applied to SWO in December. 
*I prayed and talked with Adam and Lauren about the church plant. 
Others that I asked, prayed for weeks for this decision. It was a HUGE decision to me. I consider it the biggest decision that I have made as a Christian. I'm really serious about church membership and dedication. I've been taught that you don't leave a church because of minor issues. Doctrine, theology, we can talk, but this is not the case. And look what I was considering moving on to!: a commitment to share the Gospel to everyone that I passed...eventually, a move...good doctrine and theology (the same as Second)...a faith family that is so precious to me (one that was GIVEN to me in February, to hold and keep me in the Fall)...and simply, a REALLY hard task. Church planting isn't easy. I trust the experience of those who I've read about and talked to. I really had to examine if I was ready. I mean, we're in the U.S. planting a church...I'd rather go oversees! haha :) just kidding...kinda :)

Real Fast: I LOVE YOU TRISH COBB. bless.her.heart. (< i don't even know what that means, but it just seems appropriate :)) Oh my how she has listened to me as i've wrestled this all out. She is so wonderful!! This woman had such patience with me. i love her. 

Wrap up: 
Jan-Feb 2011: 

-SWO hired me for Summer 2011!! I'm really really excited. You can check it out HERE! I've heard such wonderful things about it. They are seriously Gospel Driven. So important. I'll be in Andrew, NC for 11 weeks. 8-9 weeks of middle school and high school students. I've heard you don't sleep. Thank you so much to those who persisted that i take this journey :)

-I've committed myself to be a part of Sovereign Hope Church!! Gahlee Gee, how great! I am so excited to serve with these people. I'm so excited that God led Adam to this decision. I am so excited to see how Christ uses us. I can't wait to tell everyone all about it. Thank you so much to those who knew about this and were dedicated to lifting me and this decision up to our heavenly Father! 

So HEY GUYS, this is my "going away to college." HA! :) I'd love to give you more information on this new journey if you are interested in my life! hehe. It's really exciting! I'm sure I'm going to be learning A LOT! 

New Word Bank: 
-Adam and Lauren: Pastor and a wonderful woman that i love!
-Courtlynd: best friend forever.
-Snowbird: summer XI life.
-Todd and Jen: A couple that i love, dearly. They have led and taught me more than they probably realize.
-Tyson and Sarah: the worship man and his cute wife!
-Trish: discipler :)

Love, Booher :) 

PS. I would LOVE feedback on this post. It's pretty huge to me :)

To my girls at Second: I love you all SO MUCH, and I am sorry that I fell off the face of the earth. Now,  you can understand. Thank you so much for loving me and inviting me into your lives so quickly. I pray that this school year has been wonderful and you are loving being a part of SBG youth. You have some AMAZINGGGGGGGG leaders!! I look up and have learned SO MUCH from the ladies who are your teachers now, honestly. PLEASE don't stop letting me know what is going on in your lives! I am always here to talk and pray with you. I would love for you guys to still keep up with me here, or facebook, or gmail. Nursing School is pretty kick hiney, and i'm going to be a busy bee starting in May, but you girls stole my heart first. Thank you so much for teaching ME! <3


  1. I love the way you write! I loved reading this ... and you've already heard all my feedback :) I'm just so darn proud of you and thankful for you that I can B.A.R.E.L.Y. stand it :) Hugs!!! P.S. And mostly thankful to the God of the Universe ... the all wise, all loving, and always good Creator of All!!!!!! that HE works mightily in our lives!

  2. Thanks for sharing all this. It is encouraging to see how God is working in your life. Remember when I didn't know you, I just knew of you? haha. Glad the elusive "Booher" is now around. Excited to serve with you in the church plant!
