Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Good Stuff Below!

^ I found this website today. I'm prettttty impressed with their swimwear. LADIES, please check this out to buy your tankini this summer. They are super cute! The prices may be iffy, i really didn't even look at them. haha. oops. But yes. go to that link. hapari.com has some cute ones too, but i may just like limericki more. 

modest is hottest.

i just took a pain pill....I'm getting pretty sleepy as i type this now. My cup is full, tonight. I've had all day long to spend with Jesus. A little time with daddy and momma, a little time with Court (we watched Horton hears a hoo, LOVE that movie!), a lot of time with Jesus. Do you ever feel like there are some days that the Holy Spirit teaches you so much it feels like you are drinking out of a fire hydrant? I think it has a lot to do with how much i'm listening. While i love to evaluate my growth, think of where i've been, and see how Christ has changed me, sometimes it is just down right embarrassing. I am so happy that He continues to sanctify us. I mean, what if we had a time limit? Maybe i'm the only one that would think of something so silly. but man, i would FAIL. haha. There is so much hope in the fact that we have nothing to do with our salvation. sanctification, the story is a little different. But tonight, i just praise God that i could not let Him into my life.  I praise Him that i could not "choose Jesus, because he's my homeboy!" I am so thankful that he adopted me into His family. I am so overwhelmed by the submission that He showed on the cross. I am so overwhelmed by the blood that he shed. 

I'm reading "Slave," by MacArthur. You know how everyone talked about how "Radical" by David Platt MESSED THEM UP?? "Slave" is MESSING ME UP. By the way, if you haven't read Radical. you should. it's probably time for me to read it again. But anyways, Slave. We're slaves. Totally slaves. We aren't servants. We're slaves, we are OWNED by the God of this universe. And to think in our pride and selfishness that we thought that we chose Him and we can just do the best we can. ah. my head...i was about to say little head, although i still have chipmunk cheeks from wisdom removal and my head is not so little at the moment....my head is just spinning at the thought of my purpose on this earth....and what i think my purpose is sometimes. i'll stop here. i'm not sure if this paragraph makes any sense to anyone but me anyway :)

I've been a little confused at what i'm doing lately...like as a girl. I mean, in high school, your mission is pretty clear, and then when you get married, your mission is pretty clear, and when you are married and a mom, you may forget your mission a lot and have bad hair days, but your mission is pretty clear. i may have all of that wrong, seeing as how i am not in high school anymore, married, or a mom, but i've just been kinda wander-y lately. Especially since i'm like in this "how to be a woman" stage. it just makes me feel old. but hey, it's gotta happen one day. this is totally prideful, maybe, but i guess i kinda felt like i was getting good at being a teenager. kinda like you feel when you are a 5th, 8th, and 12th grader. you are on top on the world, experienced, a conquerer! and then you graduate. and you are the loser. So here i am, approaching TWENTY...trying to figure out how to be a Godly woman, whatever that means. Maybe if i read Proverbs 31 everyday for the rest of my life....i will at least know what it looks like! 

ahhh, i'm excited about SWO.

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