Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Two things I hope to accomplish before I die.

These are small and insignificant, but they would make my life just a tad bit easier...maybe you'll agree. 

1.  Learn how to spell diarrhea and arrhythmia without having to use spell check, scratch/tilt my head, or awkwardly ask my neighbor. 

  • This may not be a problem for you....for the simple fact that you don't have to use these words often, much less spell them...but it is quite the task for me. I now write these words almost daily. They are just funny words to spell. 

2.  Learn the difference between affect and effect

  • I know what you are thinking....aren't you in college? But, these two words have always been so hard for me to understand. It is definitely one of those things I re-learn before papers...and then IMMEDIATELY forget. It just makes me a little sad to always have to figure out away to avoid these words. 
I'm a little bit of the grammar nut....but I still make mistakes. It bothers me when people mix up to, too, two, there, they're, and their. I, also, like things to be spelled correctly. Although, I promise to never judge you if you mess up any of the above words. I completely understand. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Romans #2

Week 2!
I'll list the resources that I use in case you were wondering:
the Holy Spirit!
ESV Study Bible
Reformation Study Bible 
MacArthur Study Bible
KJV New Pilgrim? Bible
Matthew Henry Commentary
Precept Upon Precept

Romans 1:17-32
March 21-26, 2011

17 For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith for faith, as it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.”
·        It-refers to the gospel.
·        The imputation of righteousness happens with an exchange of sin. Christ took away this sin    on the cross, and God declares us righteous through salvation.
·        Righteousness of God or Righteousness from God? It could be referring to God’s character,  encompassing that he is holy and just. OR, it could be the legal standing that we have with  God. He makes us righteous so that we may be in harmony with Him.
·        From faith for faith just recognizes the ongoing process of faith throughout our  sanctification.  It could refer to the faith has been shown from generation to generation as  well. 
·        Christians are to continually trust in God and cling to his promises. Cite comes from Hab.  2:4. The righteous shall live by faith speaks of the endurance of the saints.

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.
·       Wrath refers to anger. Although, unlike most of our anger, God’s anger is not selfish. This refers to his perfect discipline to those who do not make Him Lord. It is revealed constantly.
·       His wrath is not all bottled up until Hell; It is displayed here on earth as well.
·       The unrighteous in this passage refers to those who have CLEARLY (conscience, creation, and His word) been told the truth and choose to not accept it or tell anyone else about it. They are ignorant to the good news they have been told about and hold fast to their sin.
·       The ungodly show no respect for God, no relationship.

19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.
·       There is NO poor, innocent man in the middle of an island who has no responsibility to accept Christ. There are NO innocent people. We are all sinful and guilty. God has given us a conscience and his creation to clearly show that there is a God who we are to be slaves to.
·       The written word and spoken gospel from another man is NOT required for salvation. We all rejected the evidence beginning with The Fall. God is the one who gives us understanding.
·       Eternal power: He made it all, He sustains it all. He must have great power.
·       Divine nature: faithfulness, kindness, graciousness, etc.
·       Even atheists, in times of trouble, recognize God through seeking Him or cursing Him. He will make Himself known to every person.
·       “the fault is with those who reject the evidence”

21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
·       They knew OF God, not that they knew him as Lord and Savior. They dishonored him by valuing other things over him. The creation over the creator.
·       We are commanded to give him GLORY. That’s everywhere. And to thank Him. Because EVERY good thing comes from God.
·       Futile. Selfish needs. They searched for meaning and purpose from something other than God. This only leads to frustration.  Their hearts were darkened because they did not follow the LIGHT.

22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools, 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.
·       Man rationalizes sin and became a bunch of dummies because they tried to believe in their selves alone. Idols, here, refers to metal things and house gods that the people chose to worship instead of a living God.
·       Demons impersonate idols.
·       Today, our idols are more mental. We think worshipping metal statues is stupid but we have plenty other objects and thoughts that rise about our thoughts of Christ.
·       Anything to do with creeping is always shady. :)

24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
·       Because God is not going to sit and beg for us to love Him (He displayed His love PLENTY on the cross), He gives those who reject him up. He doesn’t MAKE us worship Him. He’ll let them wander, and if constant abandonment of the gospel is continuous, he will abandon them.
·       God gave them up is a judicial term. Like a prison sentence. Giving up is only recorded 3 times, ALL had to do with idolatry.
·       ALLLLL other religions are a lie. So the unrighteous exchange a perfect, righteous, living, and just God for a LIE, fake, and road to destruction. There is only one path to God. Christ is only in that path.  

26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
·      What happens when God gives you up.
·      The acts are NOT natural because God did not purpose for men and women to have relations with the same sex.
·      Consumed is a strong word. It’s an inward desire.
·      You reap what you show! They were given due penalty for their error.

28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. 29 They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, 30 slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31 foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless.
·       Debased- not passing the test. God said these minds contain too much impurity…worthless….useless minds.
·       Sin is not only sexual.

32 Though they know God's decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.
·       Know refers to blatant rebellion.
·       They give approval, applaud, and encourage other sins. It all goes to selfishness because this makes them feel better about their sin.

****These passages give me a hope in my walk with Christ. They challenge me to not have any of these evil qualities in my life. Yet, these verses TERRIFY me, because I have people in my life that I wish didn't have these qualities. 

Romans #1

I'm journaling through Romans with the rest of SWO. I read the verse, write down what I think it's saying and how it applies to me, and then i look through about 4 different study bibles/references that I have and see what those guys say. That's how I'm choosing to go about this for now. It's been great going through verse by verse. Maybe you'd enjoy this too? If not, I don't think that blogger.com is going to crash anytime soon so i can always just store these guys here in case my computer does crash one day. And don't worry, i'll save the real personal stuff for my handy dandy notebook :) 

Romans 1:1-16
March 16-19, 2011
·      Vs. 1: Paul’s authority is stated. He was a SLAVE to Christ. He was called (entire devotion) to be an apostle, just as the 12 that Christ chose. The apostles established the church, and they carried out the mission of the church-called to share the Gospel of Christ.
o   Greek: doulos: bondservant, slave
·      Vs. 2-3: Christ was promised in the Old Testament. His coming was not a surprise, but a long awaited gift from the line of David.
·      Vs. 4: Christ was not only to be born in flesh, but He was the Son of God. He resurrected from the dead because He is LORD.
·      Vs. 5: We receive grace and apostleship from Christ. Paul also speaks of an obedience of faith to be spread to all nations (he was concerned with the gentiles). He is not talking about a “share the gospel-get’um saved!” His apostleship was all about discipling believers. We are to train new believers in the ways of Christ so that they may live in consistent obedience with Christ. We are to “bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of His name,” to bring Christ all the glory.
o   Name: reputation or honor
§  Disciple others to obedience for the sake of Christ’s honor.
o   Greek: Apostole-Apostleship: a sending away
§  To spread to the nations
·      Vs. 5-6: Among all nations, including you who are called to belong to Jesus Christ: the gospel of Jesus Christ never loses power. Sanctification is never complete until He takes us Home. Even those who already belong to Jesus Christ have not accomplished complete obedience.
·      Vs. 7: Rome is loved by God and called to be saints (Holy ones before God: all believers). Paul wished them grace and peace from God and Christ. Peace: as in OT’s Shalom- “all is well”-physically and spiritually.
***The gospel concerns Jesus Christ. He is the center of attention. He is the one that we are to obey completely. He lived our life, He did it perfectly, He is our Lord. I must be more diligent in following up with those who Christ has saved. We are to have accountability with others to carry out our obedience of faith.
·      Vs. 8: Paul is thankful for the Romans and their faith, as he normally begins (except in Galatians). He was thankful that their faith was spreading throughout the world. Paul’s goal and mission of spreading the gospel to the gentiles was being fulfilled through these people, which seemed to thrill Him. Paul got excited over every saved life. He also recognized the trinity in this passage; He was thankful to God through Jesus Christ and his atonement.
·      Vs. 9: Paul straight-up asks for God to hold Him accountable. I’m pretty sure that there is no human that could do a better job of filtering my words. Greek: Serve with my spirit could be translated worship with my spirit.
·      Vs. 10: He prayed to be in alignment with God’s will. He wanted to “succeed” by being used by God.
·      Vs. 11-12: brotherly encouragement and strength in this crazy world. It must be wonderful to have someone like Paul want to encourage you and say “good job,” but so great of the Romans to be able to equally encourage Paul! They made him so proud. Obviously, mutual encouragement was important to Paul’s ministry. Therefore, it should be important to the church.
o   Greek: gift: charisma-gift of Grace: from the Spirit. In this text, gift could describe spiritual gifts, as well as general blessings and Christ himself.
*** Rome was an important city of the time. EVERYONE looked at Rome. This is why it was so wonderful for Paul to see such an influential city doing so well and showing such strength. Paul was a humble apostle: he wanted to visit to learn more from their faith. Pride not only gets in the way of the Holy Spirit’s teaching, but it gets in the way of our fellow believer’s teaching. We are to be mutually encouraging to each other in our race.
·      Vs. 13: Paul’s interest in the Romans was not all of a sudden. He had been watching and encouraged by them in the past. He’d been prevented in the past from visited them. But, he wanted to come to “reap some harvest.” Among the Romans could mean that he wanted to guide them closer to maturity and obedience. “Among the rest of the Gentiles,” recognized that the church at Rome is primarily made up of gentiles. In this sense, He wanted to bear fruit in new converts.
·      Vs. 14: Paul was “in debt” or “obligated” to the Greeks and the Barbarians. This was why He was not able to go to Rome a number of times. Jesus Christ entrusted Paul with the Gospel (like He does every Christian). Paul was not able to leave the people that God called him too. The Greeks were people who had accepted Greek culture. They were educated and spoke Greek. The Barbarians were those who did not accept Greek culture, could not speak the language, and were not educated. Paul was not concerned with social status throughout his mission.
·      Vs. 15: Paul wanted to preach the gospel to believers. Paul was consumed with the Gospel. It never gets old. The Gospel forgives sins, releases the power or sin, and gives an eternal hope. It’s not an initial saving faith but a daily walk of faith.
***The gospel never becomes mediocre news. It is ALWAYS good news. We have an obligation to share it with those around us. Paul was not and “special Christian.” He was given the same call as the rest of us; he just took it seriously. He was dedicated to seeing new converts produce fruit and grow. He couldn’t leave the shaky Greeks and Barbarians to go to those who are doing well, immediately, but he found encouraging them to be at the utmost importance.
·      Vs. 16: Ashamed. The gospel was not a popular message for people of the time to share, but Paul was not ashamed of the Gospel. I’m pretty sure he made that clear. He never let persecution wear him down. He saw it as a message of divine wisdom. Power. The word “dynamite” comes from this word. God’s power is the only thing able to remove our sin. The gospel carries the omnipotence of God. Through the Holy Spirit, it has a life-changing impact on us because of our weakness and spiritual inability because of sin. Salvation. The word salvation speaks of a rescue from sin. The power of the gospel is the only thing that is able to SAVE a people as lost as we are. It rescues us from complete darkness and an eternity of punishment. Believes. It’s not a one-time deal and you are done. You must keep on believing after salvation. It’s a continuous action that comes with true-saving faith. Jew. Christ first came for the Jews. God chose Israel to be his witness nation. Paul was careful to not ignore the privileges given to the Jews by God. Greeks. Or gentiles. Christ came to save the all kinds of people.
****If I really let this verse soak in, I’d be sharing the gospel with every stranger that passed me. The Gospel is POWERFUL. God has rescued me from awful sins. I’m thankful for sanctification, that as I continue to believe, the Holy Spirit teaches me how to not be ashamed. Because I say I am not, but does my life prove it? I’m not ashamed, but can’t I prove that more by sharing it more?....because it’s the most important thing in my life, and that’s something to talk about.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Pointless Post

RIP: Spring Break 

This has been such a good break...and i mean BREAK, because the only thing I did with school was write a paper. I really should have done more. I've stayed up until 2am every night. It happened one night on purpose, and then my body got used to it. I'll be taking a benadryl around 9pm tonight. :) 

A few things I've thought about this week:

  • I am a SCATTERBRAIN, especially on Sundays, especially at Second! I mean, there are just so many people you want to see, so you go on a hunt to find them, and then you get side tracked and see someone else, and then that conversation is shaky at first because you are still trying to search out who you were originally looking for, and then by the end of the conversation you've already forgotten why you even went to that end of the foyer and who you were originally looking for, plus you don't have a CLUE what the person you were talking to said because you weren't truly listening. It just wears me out. I leave church feeling lost, confused, and like i just ran a marathon and couldn't find the finish line. (just kidding about the lost and confused part! ha! wouldn't that be the worst way to leave church??)
  • I wish that i had long, course, thick hair so i could rock some white girl braids for this summer. haha! Actually, I'm just fine with how God made my hair, it'd drive me nuts during the rest of the year. Although, for camp, that would just be so nice to have out of my face.   
  • I hate summarizing and rewording. I mean, if somebody else already said it, there is no reason to try to out-do how they said it. 
  • I can't wait to read some more of "Slave," but every time I pick it up I feel like the worst Christian that ever lived, so chapter 3 is where my bookmark has stayed for the past five days. 
  • I can't wait for this summer!!! 
  • I miss Amy and John Walrus. and little baby booher inside their tummy.
  • I need to talk to Melinda soon. I miss her so much. My friend's husbands like to tote their wives off to seminary. I mean, really, who wants to go there!?! :)
  • My first day of clinical is Friday. I'm only getting more and more TERRIFIED. i don't know a thing about nursing. okay okay, maybe i know a little. but that's not enough i feel like!
  • Snowbird people have been SO NICE. they've all been creeping me on my facebook. it makes me feel loved. I'm really excited about being friends with this one girl. Her name is Sarah. She's a nursing student. I think the stress of our lives made us bond instantly. I'm sure i'll make another 200 friends here soon, and i'm excited about that! 
I need to go wash some clothes. I'm sure this will be the last time i blog for another few months. hopefully not! 

Romans 1:16. prove you aren't ashamed. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ricky Bobby Gospel

I watched an interview today about Rob Bell's new book. He said "Ricky Bobby Gospel" one time. I never understood why he said it. 

Something else I don't understand: "Life is a Bikini"
I saw that posted somewhere today. I still don't get it. Maybe someone will explain it to me one day. 

Man, it should be spring break every week, i get all kinds of blogging done!
Although, tomorrow I must FINISH that paper i mentioned in a previous post. school never really goes away. 

I'm really thankful for time in the Word. I'm really thankful for the Word. I'm really thankful for ESV. I'm really thankful for the accountability to be in the Word, not that I don't desire it, life is just "busy." 

I love Romans. I've started over with the SWO group. It's our reading assignment this spring before camp. Usually, they read a christian book. I'm glad we are reading Romans. 

Today I focused on Romans 1:8-12:

First, I thank my God through Jesus Christ for all of you, because your faith is proclaimed in all the world. 9 For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I mention you 10 always in my prayers, asking that somehow by God's will I may now at last succeed in coming to you. 11 For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you— 12 that is, that we may be mutually encouraged by each other's faith, both yours and mine.

I think it's cool how Paul recognized Jesus as He was thankful for those in Rome. He was encouraged and humbled by their faith. I think it's cool that Paul was humble. I think it's cool that Paul asked God to hold him accountable for His words. I think it's cool that Paul really wanted to visit the Romans. He really wanted to just kiss them and pinch their cheeks! I think it's cool that He wanted to be encouraged by the city that He was so proud of. He didn't take credit for the gospel that was shining so brightly there. He loved them, dearly. I pray that I'm as encouraging and persistent as Paul. 

.....I also pray that, one day, I will be able to not end sentences with prepositions. 

Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails.- Proverbs 19:21 

^ A friend posted this as her facebook status today. I'm so happy she did. Winter retreat this year was about prayer. It was wonderful. Since then, I've really tried to pray....correctly. Just be a little more conscious (is that the right conscious to use? conscience. conscious. conscientious? hmm. my english has been REALLY bad lately.) of what i am saying when i am praying to our Heavenly Father. I really want to mean what I'm saying and not just ramble on about anything. I just feel like this is a really good verse to remember in prayer. I really want to pray for God's will...not for all the plans that are up here in this head. My plans STINK. I want to pray scripture back to Him. I think i may go read Proverbs 19 in a few minutes. What is that old saying, a Proverbs a day keeps the devil away...or something? I feel like i heard someone say that recently. HA!

My mom bought me four pair of basketball shorts today for SWO. It made me get excited! She also bought me a smoothie from planet smoothie. I love her. I'm so thankful for my mom!...not because she buys me basketball shorts and smoothies. Just because She's great. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

No Boys allowed:

I copied and pasted this from a PDF that was given along with C.J. Mahaney's sermon, "The Soul of Modesty." I'm listening to the sermon as we speak. I recommend it. Right now, I'm thankful for facebook, because that's where I scrolled across the link. :)

Modesty Heart Check
Carolyn Mahaney
Nicole Whitacre
Kristin Chesemore
Janelle Bradshaw
“…Women should adorn themselves in respectable
apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with
braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire,
but with what is proper for women
who profess godliness—with good works.”
~1 Timothy 2:9-10

Before you leave the house, do a modesty check.  (What are
some things you should look for as you stand in front of your
    From the top…
-When I am wearing a loose-fitting blouse or scoop-neck, can I see
anything when I lean over?  If so, I need to remember to place my
hand against my neckline when I bend down.
-If I am wearing a button-down top, I need to turn sideways and
move around to see if there are any gaping holes that expose my
chest.  If there are, I’ve got to grab the sewing box and pin
between the buttons.
-The same check is needed if I am wearing a sleeveless shirt. 
When I move around, can I see my bra?  If I do, I need the pins
-Am I wearing a spaghetti-strap, halter, or sheer blouse?  Not even
pins will fix this problem!  Most guys find these a hindrance in
their struggle with lust.  It’s time to go back to the closet.
-Can I see the lace or seam of my bra through my shirt?  In this
case, seamless bras are a better option.
-More key questions: Does my shirt reveal any part of my
cleavage?  Does my midriff show when I raise my hands above
my head?  Is my shirt just plain too tight?  If the answer to any one
of these questions is yes, then I need to change my outfit.

Moving on down…
-Does my midriff (or underwear) show when I bend over or lift my
hands? If so, is it because my skirt or my pants are too low?  Either
my shirt needs to be longer or I need to find a skirt or pants that sit
-I also have to turn around to see if what I’m wearing is too tight
around my back side, or if the outline of my underwear shows.  If so,
I know what I have to do!
-And as for shorts – I can’t just check them standing up.  I need to see
how much they reveal when I sit down.  If I see too much leg, I need
a longer pair.
-The “sit-down” check applies to my skirt or dress as well. And I must
remember to keep my skirt pulled down and my knees together when
I’m seated.
-And speaking of skirts, watch out for those slits! Does it reveal too
much when I walk?  Pins are also helpful here.
-Before I leave, I need to give my skirt a sunlight check. Is it see-
through?  If so, I need a slip.
-Finally, I must remember to do this modesty check with my shoes on. 
High-heels make my dress or skirt appear shorter.
-And don’t forget – this applies to formal wear as well. 
-A note on swimwear: It’s not easy but you can still strive to be
modest at the pool or beach. Look for one-piece bathing suits that
aren’t cut high on the leg and don’t have low necklines.

 Start with a Heart Check…
-“How does a woman discern the sometimes fine line between proper dress
and dressing to be the center of attention?  The answer starts in the intent
of the heart.  A woman should examine her motives and goals for the way
she dresses.  Is her intent to show the grace and beauty of womanhood?  Is
it to reveal a humble heart devoted to worshipping God?  Or is it to call
attention to herself and flaunt her beauty?  Or worse, to attempt to lure
men sexually?  A woman who focuses on worshipping God will consider
carefully how she is dressed, because her heart will dictate her wardrobe
and appearance.”  John MacArthur [emphasis added]
-What statement do my clothes make about my heart?
-In choosing what clothes to wear today, whose attention do I desire
and whose approval do I crave?  Am I seeking to please God or
impress others?
-Is what I wear consistent with biblical values of modesty, self-
control and respectable apparel, or does my dress reveal an
inordinate identification and fascination with sinful cultural values?
-Who am I trying to identify with through my dress?  Is the Word of
God my standard or is the latest fashion?
-Have I asked other godly individuals to evaluate my wardrobe?
-Does my clothing reveal an allegiance to the gospel or is there any
contradiction between my profession of faith and my practice of

I thought this was really great. even something to tape to your mirror to run through really fast in the morning. I know sometimes i am just in a big rush and don't even think about what i'm wearing. but just think, if you've got a heart condition that is trying to make you dress in a way that you think would attract that cute boy three lockers down, you might be attracting that smelly janitor with a bear gut and nasty beard that looks like he is 105 instead. and that's just gross. respect your brothers in Christ. 

i love SWO podcasts.  

now off to write a paper for school!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Good Stuff Below!

^ I found this website today. I'm prettttty impressed with their swimwear. LADIES, please check this out to buy your tankini this summer. They are super cute! The prices may be iffy, i really didn't even look at them. haha. oops. But yes. go to that link. hapari.com has some cute ones too, but i may just like limericki more. 

modest is hottest.

i just took a pain pill....I'm getting pretty sleepy as i type this now. My cup is full, tonight. I've had all day long to spend with Jesus. A little time with daddy and momma, a little time with Court (we watched Horton hears a hoo, LOVE that movie!), a lot of time with Jesus. Do you ever feel like there are some days that the Holy Spirit teaches you so much it feels like you are drinking out of a fire hydrant? I think it has a lot to do with how much i'm listening. While i love to evaluate my growth, think of where i've been, and see how Christ has changed me, sometimes it is just down right embarrassing. I am so happy that He continues to sanctify us. I mean, what if we had a time limit? Maybe i'm the only one that would think of something so silly. but man, i would FAIL. haha. There is so much hope in the fact that we have nothing to do with our salvation. sanctification, the story is a little different. But tonight, i just praise God that i could not let Him into my life.  I praise Him that i could not "choose Jesus, because he's my homeboy!" I am so thankful that he adopted me into His family. I am so overwhelmed by the submission that He showed on the cross. I am so overwhelmed by the blood that he shed. 

I'm reading "Slave," by MacArthur. You know how everyone talked about how "Radical" by David Platt MESSED THEM UP?? "Slave" is MESSING ME UP. By the way, if you haven't read Radical. you should. it's probably time for me to read it again. But anyways, Slave. We're slaves. Totally slaves. We aren't servants. We're slaves, we are OWNED by the God of this universe. And to think in our pride and selfishness that we thought that we chose Him and we can just do the best we can. ah. my head...i was about to say little head, although i still have chipmunk cheeks from wisdom removal and my head is not so little at the moment....my head is just spinning at the thought of my purpose on this earth....and what i think my purpose is sometimes. i'll stop here. i'm not sure if this paragraph makes any sense to anyone but me anyway :)

I've been a little confused at what i'm doing lately...like as a girl. I mean, in high school, your mission is pretty clear, and then when you get married, your mission is pretty clear, and when you are married and a mom, you may forget your mission a lot and have bad hair days, but your mission is pretty clear. i may have all of that wrong, seeing as how i am not in high school anymore, married, or a mom, but i've just been kinda wander-y lately. Especially since i'm like in this "how to be a woman" stage. it just makes me feel old. but hey, it's gotta happen one day. this is totally prideful, maybe, but i guess i kinda felt like i was getting good at being a teenager. kinda like you feel when you are a 5th, 8th, and 12th grader. you are on top on the world, experienced, a conquerer! and then you graduate. and you are the loser. So here i am, approaching TWENTY...trying to figure out how to be a Godly woman, whatever that means. Maybe if i read Proverbs 31 everyday for the rest of my life....i will at least know what it looks like! 

ahhh, i'm excited about SWO.