Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May the fourth be with you.

Ahhh. love that little saying. i probably love it as much as Joshy loves the "two peanuts walked into a bar, one was assaulted" much as Jesse loves the "hey, how many people do you think are dead in that cemetary....all of them" joke...and as much as adam loves the Fun-Gi joke. just sayin'

I really just wanted to write a blog about "May the fourth be with you."
But while I'm here, I'll tell you a new little gift that nursing school has given me. Test Anxiety. Nice, right? So sweet. I really am loving it. :(

I'd really love for it to go away. I understand that God is in complete control. I understand that I am to do my best, and then just waltz right in there, and take the test all for His glory. But I don't think I'll ever feel like I studied enough. I'm not sure. I just do the best thing that I can do, pray for peace. 

For now, I'll go read my study guide one more time, wipe my silly tears of nervousness, and go to bed. I just can't wait for Friday to get here! I'm so happy that Snowbird doesn't have weekly exams...on paper!


  1. What's a boxer's favorite drink? Hawaiian PUNCH!

  2. Praying for you, sweet girl! You will do great! Cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you!
