Thursday, August 22, 2013

Uganda: part one

This post is only a month late, which I consider to be early. My time in Africa was too short. Our whole group agreed. I listened more than I spoke, and I learned more than I taught. I truly treasure the time that I was given with Innocent and Dorothy, and I don't know how to use my words to thank God for providing me with the opportunity to go to Seeta. There isn't a day that goes by now that I don't think about it. I can see it, and sometimes, unfortunately, I can smell it. I crave rice and beans, and every now and then I look for a Novida Pineapple in the grocery store. I miss not having technology, and some days all I think about is the simple life that they live. I miss it, and I'm jealous for it. While I want more than anything for life to be "easier" for them, I can't help but desire the joy that they have. I see my selfishness and covetous more everyday now that I've been there. So, when I say that my time was too short there, I mean that my sanctification was too great to want to come back yet. When I'm not comfortable, the Spirit is able to strip me of myself. And, I wouldn't be honest if I didn't say that most of the changing really did happen when I got back, but it was a result of Uganda. I'm not the same Jessica, and I praise the Lord for that. With every experience of being out of here, we are stripped of a little more of ourselves. It happened in me in Idaho, in Brazil, in Brazil again, at Snowbird, and now in Uganda. I came back a little less Jessica every time. and it hurts. and it's good. The Lord is good. 

Melissa, Luke, and I were able to be a part of Grace for Education with Chris. It was so so sweet to meet the people that Chris has been investing in the past six years. Grace for Education and Snowbird are the ministries that my local church body support the most. I count it a great great honor that I now know them both personally. God is doing GOOD things through the people involved with these ministries. Innocent and Dorothy were an absolute joy and I can't tell you how wonderful it is to call them friends now. Melissa, Dorothy, and I went through "God's high calling for Women" by John MacArthur. Please pray for Dorothy as the Lord continues to teach her about biblical womanhood. She stretched us with her questions, and the Lord was faithful to give me, Melissa, and Chris the same answers, with the same scriptures, to answer the questions that she had for us. Women in Uganda are being encouraged to be bold, independent women who lead their families and their churches. Pray for the men of Uganda to rise up so the women do not feel the need to fulfill roles that we were not meant to fill. 

"Mac" was no longer living in the house when we arrived. She made some decisions that led her away from the house. I'm praying that she will turn to the Lord and return to Dorothy for discipleship. I'm sorry that I did not get to meet her like planned, but I know that my God is sovereign over every situation. 

We were able to hear Innocent and Dorothy's life stories. They are remarkable. I'll share more about these hopefully in another post. Dorothy, like other girls, was tempted to sell her body to pay for school fees. The Lord graciously protected her from this situation, and she now has a college degree. He preserved both of their lives, and now they are about to live in a house with around 15 college-aged men for the purpose of furthering the gospel. It's an incredible story. 

I'm still trying to figure out what the Lord would have for Grace for Education and I in the future. I don't know what it's going to be, but I know that the Lord has me here for now. He has me at Sovereign Hope Church where I want to serve faithfully, because the gospel should flow out of me no matter where I am. He didn't say share the gospel ONLY at the ends of the earth. I'm praying for a nursing job that will give me opportunities to share the love and grace of Jesus everyday. I'm praying that I would continue to pray for Dorothy and the work that God is doing through her in Uganda. I'm praying for her as she will soon join in a marriage covenant with God and Innocent. I'm thankful that I know her personally. She encouraged me and she blessed me. I taught her doctrine, and she taught me faith, grace, and perseverance. 

This is the best I can do to start posting about the two weeks that I was able to enjoy in Africa. I promise other posts will include pictures and fun stories and more details about the conversations that I got to have with people. But for now, this'll do, blog, this'll do. 

1 comment:

  1. this is the greatest story of the day for was especially good because i was so into reading it that i actually started to feel awkward during the awkward parts...good stuff!
