Friday, June 28, 2013

It is finished!

It was just four years ago when I started this journey called college. I knew I wanted to be a nurse, and I was dangerously naive to what I had to do to make that dream become true. It was a blessing because I wouldn't have done it if I knew how much of "my" precious time that it would require. Praise God for his continuous blessing and hand that he has had over me during these years. Telling the story about all that he has sovereignly done in my life would take me too long because sadly, I don't know how to say anything in less than 1000 characters. But, to say that I have seen clearly his direction and guidance is an understatement. 

While nursing school got easier after that semester of torture, it was still a struggle to manage my time the way that i needed to instead of the way that I wanted. I still had many moments of doubt and had to be reminded of God's faithfulness one too many times. I'll say it again, nursing school was the most humbling experience that I have had in this life so far. I stink at tests, y'all. The Lord is gracious and kind, though, and I leaned on him when I thought my life was over. (maybe I'm being a little dramatic... yes, yes i am.)

I LOVED my last semester. I LOVED my preceptor. Her name is Marilyn. She was such a blessing. I was on night shift. That part was awful. I survived 216 hours of clinical and Dr. Purvis' class. I made an  'A' and a 'B'. I was "pinned" on May 10th, took my NCLEX on June 11th (and let me just tell you: it is NOT FUN taking a 265 question test for FIVE hours... I was just sure that I had failed. But nope, i'm that girl that may get all of the questions, but i'm gonna pass this mess!), found out that I passed on June  13th, and just got my license number (FINALLY) on June 26th. Now, I am a registered nurse; I don't have a job yet; I haven't put any applications in anywhere; I don't even know where all I want to apply, and I'm not going to do it until July 22nd. I've got my whole life, right?

In the mean time, I think I'll just GO TO AFRICA! I can't believe it's only five days from our departure. (I also can't believe how many capital letters I am using today. I'm drinking coffee, can you tell?) All of my friends left this week. Okay, not all of them, but a lot of them. Of course, Kaitlin is always a million miles away in that awful state that we call Virginia. Courtlynd went to the beach with the Brewer's. Meaning that Rachel is gone too. Maggie is nannying this summer in Soperton (I just picture sweat and gnats because it's in South GA.) Jen and Lauren are on their family vacay as well. That's six (6) best friends you guys! NO ONE TO HANG OUT WITH! So, I went to lunch with my sweet, precious, darlin' Momma (praise God she didn't go on vacation, too) three times this week and I have read almost two books and ordered one more. I've vacuumed the house, sorta cleaned my room, and I've slept in entirely too much and stayed up way past my normal bedtime. It's been a pretty restful week, and I'm thankful for that seeing as how the next two weeks, and the rest of my life, are probably going to be a tad bit busier. Thankful for every moment. I've re-read "God's high calling for women" to go through with Melissa and Dorothy. I'm reading (EXTREMELY SLOW) "Christian Beliefs" just as a good refresher, and I received "Theology for women" today. But, that one is probably going to be my plane ride book, so my last one to finish is "When Helping Hurts." (If you know me well, you'll know that i have a ridiculously hard time finishing a book. I just trust that the last chapter of every book on the planet is phenomenal and don't feel the need to actually read them to know that.) I'm praying that God will use these books to help me share the gospel well and teach simple truths to the ladies that he is going to put in my path. I just want to be prepared to be used by the Spirit. I'm still praying that the gospel will speed ahead of us! 

Alright, that's it for now. I'm sure in five years when I come back to read this, I'll be wishing that I was a woman of fewer words. 

PS. I watered plants on Tuesday. 

1 comment:

  1. I love all your words. I speak the language of "many words", so I totally get you!!!

    I love that you're going to Africa. Be still my beating heart!

    I love how precious, spunky, and delightful you are.

    I love that you are a nurse. I love that I had the honor of praying for you during your time of studying and working hard to get to this point.

    As a Mama myself I love that you ate lunch with your Mama 3 times this week.

    As a new gardener, I love that you watered your plants.

    But more than I love all these things I love you, precious, precious Booher!!! You are a joy (even through all of your many words) :)
