Sunday, November 11, 2012

SovHope Fall Family Bonfire (1st Annual)

I love that everything we do at Sovhope we name "1st annual"...starting now things will start being 2nd annuals! wowzers. This event was the same as all the others. We were all freezing. I was impressed by the commitment of everyone to risk pneumonia for fellowship. :) 
It was a fabulous night, and btw, I never heard of any sicknesses that immediately followed :)
 I love these 6. I walked around saying "group and smile" and these folks did just that! :)
 I am convinced that men have absolutely no idea how to take a picture together!
 Jen and her caramel for the kids! They loved making caramel apples!
 The guys love this game. I usually try to join in like I am coordinated enough...
 Court was cold. So I made her into a marshmallow. 
I didn't crop out Jesse on purpose. look at that frisbee form! 
 three more men...all spaced out and such. 
 just boomoo. 
 The Moore Fam! Is this family cute or what!? 
 Children of the field.
 Fire control! Mr. Thom manned this fire all night. Smoky the bear would have been so proud!
 The ladies enjoyed the "group and smile" moment! 
Tiff said it looks like she has to tee-tee. It kinda does. :) 
 Corn hole! 
 Andrea and Logan. His facial expressions
And I saved the cutest little AJ in town for last! This boy and his mama bear are so sweet. 

I love my church! 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Salisbury Jesus and an old post from Elliott Grey

After school today, I went over to the McCloud house. I love the time I get to spend with this sweet family. I'm trying to start a tradition of  random cooking lessons with Jen. It usually gives lots of laughs, and we all know, I enjoy a good laugh. We made salisbury steak, mashed potatoes, and cabbage. It all turned out delicious, but it was quite an elaborate dinner to prepare. Jen's steaks almost fell apart; I (sorta) broke the awesome lid to the mashed potato pot; I threw an onion on the ground while stirring. It was comical. Funny thing is, she was "teaching" me how to make this dish and had never actually made it herself. While waiting for this dinner to magically turn into something you would see on television, we talked about studying the Word. It was such an encouraging time. I kept saying, "thank you for saying that" or "that's encouraging to hear"...which she would reply with, "i don't know what i said, but i'm glad it helped!" I am so thankful for her and our long drawn out cooking time. I'm thankful for the Spirit, how he lives inside of us. Thankful for the lady that taught me how to make salisbury steak and read the bible with joy...maybe not at the same time, though.  

Another story from tonight, just so I can read this again one day and hopefully laugh at myself like I did tonight. I put mashed potatoes and cabbage on my plate. Then, I put cabbage on someone else's plate, AND on my plate again. Once I sat my plate down and realized what I had done, I couldn't stop from laughing. They probably think I am a crazy person. Just call me cabbage girl. (I returned one pile of cabbage back to the pot, and traded it for that yummy salisbury steak we worked so hard on.)
Another story....I told Maggie the reason that the mashed potatoes were so good was because of how well she washed them. She totally believed me. She's so fun. 
Another story... Jack gave me a hug tonight. THIS IS SUCH WONDERFUL NEWS!!!

I like the way Courtlynd writes. 
She doesn't do it very much though, so don't get too excited.
 I went back and read this post from her again tonight.
 It still convicts and encourages me.