Somedays you just can't be thankful enough for your parents.
Somedays you truly realize how wonderful it is to be raised in a home that honors the Lord.
Somedays you understand how grateful you should be that your father raised you to love Jesus.
Somedays you thank God for your mom. for the way she loves you. for the way that she jokes with you. for the ways that she shows you Jesus.
Somedays you get a better picture of God's grace when you realize the grace that your parents have shown you.
Somedays you wish you could tell them, "thank you for loving me" over and over and over again.
and then somedays...
you hurt their feelings.
you aren't a very good daughter.
you forget to honor them.
you don't tell them thank you.
you think you know more than they do.
you definitely don't respect them.
If you know my parents, you know they're awesome. :) You know they are so very fun, and will do anything for anybody. I, honestly, don't know anyone with a bigger servants heart than my dad. My mom lights up a room in an instant. Their identity is not in the social status, money, or home. They love each other more than any married couple I know. They seek the Lord in all they do. The support they show me concerning school is beyond what I could have ever asked for. They are wonderful.
I thank the Lord for showing my parent's grace. I thank the Lord that the Spirit lives inside of them.
I've thankful that they love HIM with all of their heart, soul, and mind. I'm thankful that they fight sin. I'm thankful that they are not perfect, nor do they think they are. I'm thankful for humility displayed before me. I'm thankful for parents that talk about what God is teaching them, leading them, doing in them.
My God showed me grace with the parents that he gave me.
Some children don't have parents.
Some children don't have a mom AND a dad.
Some children don't have parents that love Jesus.
I am blessed.
I'm thankful for this time in my life, as i learn to honor my parents as a 20 year old.
love this post!... you are BLESSED!